Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Reading Response (I posted this super duper late sorry ms galang)

                                           Reading Response
Author: Adam Rapp

   Jamie a.k.a Punkzilla, is a fourteen year old boy who is traveling a days-long trip from Portland, Oregon to Memphis, Tennesse. He is Trying to visit his brother who is dying from cancer in Memphis and he writes letters to him frequently but some are so personal he doesn't send them. During his trip, he has gone through some hardships and has met some weird people.
   During the beginning of the story, while Jamie was urinating at a rest stop, he got jumped by a group of guys inside a bathroom. They cracked a bottle of beer against the side of his head and stole most of his traveling money sent to him from his sick brother. Because of that small moment he has had to travel by foot and by hitchhiking with strangers. This moment influenced allot of other moments so this is very important and sad at the same time.
   Also another moment that happened was at the end when Jamie finally reached Memphis, but six days later he discovered his brother died. While Peter was in the passing phase, he visited the hospital unnoticed and read all the letters out loud to him knowing Peter can still hear him. That was the saddest moment of the book, and I could tell that Jamie and Peter had a very deep relationship because, they kept writing back and forth sharing lots of personal stuff.
   This story was very raw when it came to the letters written by Jamie telling Peter about everything that happened during the road trip to Memphis. And, it's sad that a 14 year old boy has to go through difficult situations including during a time like this.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Article Response: Hurricane Sandy

          Reading Response 6
Article: Snooki, Jersey Shore cast, and MTV to raise funds for Seaside Heights.

    After Hurricane Sandy hit New York and the east coast, Seaside Heights in NJ, was destroyed with debris left to only leave sadness. But with hope still left, the Jersey Shore cast and MTV have planned to air a fundraising special to help rebuild NJ's destroyed shoreline. It will air on Nov. 15.
    This is very generous of them to do, especially during a time like this. And it sounds like a story out of a movie, a bunch of friends who lost part of their childhood so they work together to help rebuild their favorite place to be when they were kids. It's really cool and shocking because I never, ever expected to se them to do something this generous! I think raising funds is the best way right now to support the rebuilding. But at the same time I think it's a bit selfish because now all of a sudden, you hear about them helping or donating to someone. 
    What MTV and the Jersey Shore cast is doing is wonderful and emotional. Hurricane Sandy was a devastating storm and it triggered some emotional stress so it's great to see Jersey Shore to take part in this tragedy.